ESG - Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
For Singapore companies embarking on new projects, explore new growth opportunities, or expand overseas, the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) is available to fund their individual projects. The EDG aims to support projects that facilitate business upgrading, innovation, growth, and transformation.
Up to 50% of eligible costs for local SMEs.
From 1 April 2023, SMEs can receive up to 50% support for EDG (sustainability-related projects may be supported at up to 70% from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026). Please contact us for more details.
As a PMC certified consultancy, how Visibility Design help your individual projects?
Projects under Core Capabilities help you prepare for growth and transformation by strengthening your business foundations. business strategy, financial management, human capital development, service excellence, strategic brand and marketing development.
Visibility Design, a branding agency in Singapore, we are specialised in strategic brand and marketing development, to differentiate your brand and marketing offerings through strategies that better capture your target audience and extend your reach.